Te Aratika Academy - providing a Platform for Change for our
Developing Men of Valour to be Life Ready & Career Ready
Ko Te Aratika Matou
Te Aratika means ‘The Right Path’ and we will help you take the ‘right path’ for YOU. Your pathway may be different than others, but that doesn’t matter. What matters is that you choose a pathway, which enables you to leave our academy with confidence in yourself and with qualifications to embark on a career of your choosing. Our vision is to support and encourage you on your journey to YOUR success.
At Te Aratika Academy, your learning programme is designed with your graduate profile in mind. A graduate profile describes the skills we expect you to demonstrate when you leave our Academy.
You will be culturally connected, have a positive sense of well-being, and be confident and competent. This means not only will you be ready for work, but also you will have the skills to be a good family and community member, with a strong and positive self esteem
Student Voice
Ezra Broughton-Spark
This Academy has helped me to grow into a young man. I’m ready to face the future and ready to pursue my goals. 3 years ago when Te Aratika Academy opened, my mum asked me if I wanted to join this school and saying yes was one of the smartest decisions I've ever made.
They always try to bring the best out of each and every young man that walks through the door and I'd highly recommend this school to anyone who's looking for a positive change in their life.
I love this school and can’t wait to see what happens next. So yes, I am very proud to be one of the original students of Te Aratika Academy and proud to be graduating from here.
Ko wai a matou, Ko Te Aratika matou.
“I love this school and can’t wait to see what happens next. So yes, I am very proud to be one of the original students of Te Aratika Academy and proud to be graduating from here.”