Ko Te Aratika Mātou
Graduate Profile
Deriving from the overarching vision, aims and values of Te Aratika Academy, an aspirational profile of a Te Aratika Graduate has been established.
Our Te Aratika Graduate is a young man who has a positive sense of well-being, is confident and competent, and is culturally connected as Māori. These interdependent competencies combine to create a firm platform from which young men can step into the world of work, and in their role as family and community members with confidence and competence.
POsitive sense of well-being
Ki-o-rahi Nationals 2019
Our Te Aratika graduate demonstrates:
self-confidence and personal awareness
attention to personal health and fitness
strategies for self-management and self-improvement
consideration for others in whānau and wider
Culturally Connected
Cultural performance in Titahi Bay, Porirua 2019.
Our Te Aratika graduate demonstrates:
pride in identity and who they represent
Confident and competent
Our Te Aratika graduate demonstrates:
A day in life of the school…
a future focus
core competency in literacy and numeracy
financial awareness
capable and responsible use of digital technology
collaborative and leadership qualities